Hiring people order recruiting people for the right task nowadays is not an easy job. Because nowadays people are much smarter and much focus and much goal oriented. The scenario is different from a decade ago or 5 years before. Nowadays people can turn down a good offer for not having a five days week culture. People now expect much for flexibility and much more appreciation rather than a good pay, people often leave the company, when they are not getting enough exposure, not enough appreciation or maybe they get another opportunity in which they can see their goal is order will be going to be fulfilled.
When a person leaves its not an easy task for the human resources/recruiting person or a recruiting agency, nowadays company will hire recruiting agency to get more reliable talent, and also wants to save the time it is screening for the right candidate.
All off us are mostly ignore human resources person or a recruiting person in the company. Because when we have a friend or someone we know we want to get inside of organisation only then we communicate with HR /recruiting person.

Now just think about it when a person leaves the company, the job of human resources/recruiting agency starts at the moment when person gives resignation letter.
Human resources or recruiting agency starts to fill the blank and invites applications through social media, through job portals, and another many ways.
Now human resources/recruiting agency posted job online, and the responses started to comes in terms of email or number of phone calls, even they jet number of references within the organisation. When an application comes the screening of the evolution process begins at the same moment. Screening of profiles,cvs takes a llot time to evaluate.
Just imagine for a single position human resource manager or recruiting agency has received 250 profile or CV, then they have to be very patient with the screening.
See how the screening works take a look.
- Review of the profile / curriculum vitae.
First of all human resources Executive Manager/ recruiting agency must have to review the CV or at least have to review the job description or responsibilities mentioned in the CV / profile.
Now just imagine, before choosing the right candidate you must have to look at the profile and you must have to read between the lines. Review of profile / CV is not an easy job. When you got much more response for a position its must be reviewed thoroughly, so talented or possible candidate must not be left out in the process.
they must have to shortlist a possible candidates out of number of profile / CV screening.
- Sorting profiles / CV under different categories.
Many times screening of profile / CV awfully considered as a sorting process. But screening and sorting it's a two different things, which all times almost taken as granted.
Sorting of profile / CV has various attributes of various criteria.
For example, you must have to select profile / CV in two different categories. First one is qualified, second one is possibly qualified.
now imagine a management or client has a different set of requirements at the last moment.
If the management / client required a candidate from the local city. Then you have to look at all the possibilities.doing above all processes again.
Just think they have already completed screening 100 profile / CV, now they have to done it again as per requirement of Management /client.
- A fully brief analysis of profile / CV
The pain doesn't stop there, human resources manager / recruiter must have to screen or thoroughly reviewing the profile / CV in detail.
What kind of details they have to review just look at it.
- Candidates job responsibilities of the current organisation and desirable education qualification/ professional qualification. Are all the criteria of fits in the requirement on the client/ organisation ?
- Must have to review if any work gaps.
- Thoroughly review of the each previous organisations work history which has relevance to the current requirement.
- Work experience at all previous organisations.
- Number of job change in short amount of period.
- Reviewing skill of the candidate.
- achievements from all previous organisation/ employer.
- Salary requirement
- Notice period with adequate time scale.
- Records management
A profile / CV if not considered for the job or rejected, human resource manager / recruiter have to record. They have to ensure a person profile / CV must not be presented again if it is not considered / rejected.
- Final summarisation.
HR manager / recruiter have to shortlist candidates summary for quick reference.
- Review of role description to ensure desirable qualities.
- Identify key skill abilities and qualification for each application.
- Scoring each profile by awarding points.
- Handing over profile / CV to management or client.
The buck not stop here.
- After considering profile/CV HR manager or recruiter they have to contact candidate and starts conversation about,
- Current responsibilities of candidate & Informing for Desirable job Description.
- Candidates availability for interview.
- Interview management.
- Selection and finalization process.
- Negotiation of package and salaries. & so much goes on.
After doing above all the things HR manager / recruiter must have to observe candidate’s behaviour and feedback during initial period.
That’s Why i called ‘’Hiring people nowadays is not an easy job’’