Stuck on your Job too long. Don't wait for the change. Be the change.
How long you have to stay at your current job.

You have spent a very good time in your current job and waited too much long for your progress but it is not enough and you’re thinking to move out as quickly as possible. You are searching new jobs silently and it will pay off but at the same time you are thinking maybe or may not be you have to discuss with your seniors for pay raise, if and your room for the negotiation left for you.
You don't have to jump on the conclusion very easily since you spend a long time and you know if there is no possibility or no possibility for any progress left for you.
Before making any decision you have to think rationally, thinking about a new job ,new roles of responsibility, are the new areas want to explore so what you have to do is just think calmly before taking a decision.
You don't have to be stuck at your job forever. Everyone has a right to grow and they have their own goals and dreams.
If you are ambitious and goal oriented then you have to explore every possibility of a growth, most of the goal oriented and ambitious persons don't stay at the job very long or if the stay on the job they get what they want, it means they get the promotion they get the desired salary the pretty much acquires everything what they have dream about.
Your job is not absolute in your life, your family, your friends, your spouse, your girlfriend, your dream, your passion it's everything you care about matter the most. Switching a new job is not very big thing if you are not getting enough exposure and Pay Scale in a current job then there is no meaning to continue with the job. You cannot to travel in a public transport for your rest of your life. You cannot live in a shoebox apartment, your dreams matters the most. You already dream about a nice studio apartment, a very good car, and expensive vacations at Islands, this is all a normal person has a dream of which is neither wrong in my point of view and it should not be wrong in any point of you. Because the evolution is the absolute. Without evolution the human race cannot be exist as today we have witnessed. You can say we have explore every possibilities in every field, human races exploring the possibility of the longer life which is not possible for 50 years back. In the automation we have living in the golden age. You can see you most advanced robotics, a cell phone revolution, the internet age. This is all a part of evolution which is embedded in humans throughout the times.
First of all you have to be a very observant about your current job. Please do market research ask your family, your colleagues, recruiting agency that what you are getting right now it is relevant which your experience and talent. Most of the answers you will get definitely if you look around you ask your friends, ask about your colleagues, they will definitely guide you what you should get as per your talent and experience.
I have ask my friends, should I switch job at this moment he definitely agree with me that I am not getting enough exposure of my talents they advise me to grow more because they have told me that you should get a much more exposure, with your relevant experience and your talent you must go somewhere else that you can get more benefits. Needless to say they are right, they’ve told me very accurate and I have taken their advice and moved on you won't believe in last 13 years I had switched about four companies and today I am getting acquaintance which I don't get if I am stuck to the one single job at the one single organisation. I have not get any benefits at my first job so I moved on the other job. And the journey continues till date. I am not advising anything about here think rationally and take decision very wisely because you can see nowadays doing job in a single organisation about 10-15 years it is not very right thing to do unless you have a goal of your own. Today's economic culture you should get enough exposure at the time to sharpen yourself and grow yourself.
In your current job it's maybe gives you a little bit of satisfaction but the title satisfaction cannot give you the success what you want, satisfaction is good think but satisfaction always comes to in your needs but its satisfaction must come not for your progress. Because once you have a feeling of satisfaction at your job it's probably kills you internally, that you are not aware of it, slowly it kills your killing instinct and comparative nature of yours. Which you will be find a later there will be no time.
Please ask for yourself if you are getting rewarded enough at your current job or you want to get more and you want to grow more, you will definitely find the answer from your inner self.
People should be competed with them self to sharpen the skills. When you are thinking about the new responsibility and taking any job it's already competition with yourself because you are stepping out of your comfort zone which is very good for yourself ,why is that because you are competing with yourself we don't have to be compared with your colleagues and managers and other person when you are getting out of your comfort zone, you will be focusing extra and smartly which is a very good thing and in my opinion when you are focusing extra and super active that success will definitely come for you in the end.
You waited so many years in the job to grow yourself and you are still not satisfied, then you should move out immediately because you are not bounded with any feelings with your company. company gives your pay check for your services, you are not doing the job anymore, you are getting reimbursement of your services. If not getting enough reimbursement of the services. You have to go with other option where you can find a suitable reimbursement. I am calling reimbursement not a pay scale because in my opinion after spending plenty years in the job. You are smart enough to figure out that you are giving the services to the company you are not doing job anymore. Yes you heard that right you are not doing job. You are hired for your services not for a job which is any robot can do, robot can perform a task with a programming language.
The reason behind not changing the job are very few and simple.
- Fear of failure
- Too much comfort
- Lack of ambition
- State of denial.
Fear of failure
This is the most absolute reason that people are not changing the job even though they have a dream and ambition. Deep down they have a fear that they might be failing in any job and could not be survive.
This is conserved in human nature when they are safe they stop to explore new ideas.
But they don't know without taking risk or curiosity the human race cannot be evolved.
Stop worrying about the future you cannot control it what is the outcome. You can be preparing for every scenario by analysing the facts and figures. For the new job you can check the company's history, company's performance, company's financial conditions, you can also cross check with their ex colleagues, your friends, your family will know sure about them they will definitely guide you. Just ask person whom you can trust.
Too much comfort.
It is happened with many professionals when the find too much comfort. Too much comfort is not a good thing as a saying. It’s too good to be true what it seems. Remember one thing ‘’good is not enough to be a great’’. you want to be a great achieve something live the good behind and explore for the greatness. I've seen my friends and colleagues who just cannot explore new possibilities because they have spent more than a decade in a single job and trust me in there were not got a promotion which they have actually deserves. Because of the comfort they come at the place do the job and go home.
Remember all the successful people find the comfort after what they have dream and achieved till then they are restless, this is not for the job, this is for your life.
Lack of ambition.
It's correlate with the previous reason. Too much comfort will lead you to a false feeling of the satisfaction. And deep down you know with this false feeling, you are cheating which your inner self. Don't get too much satisfaction which can kill your ambition and competitive nature.
State of denial
This is the most punishing way to yourself. You keep saying to yourself that you might not fit out there. This is your last job you are an age of 45, you will not get another job people will not hire me, I am not fit for another job.
Believe me I seen the persons in my life there keeps telling the lie to themselves that they may or may not be fit somewhere else because their age. The thinking about the families they didn't even update the resume, because they don't want to move out due to that denial stage.
I mean no offence but that's true.
Show on closing note just wants to put simple quote. ‘’Don't wait for the change, be the change’’.
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