Successful people don't make an
excuse they make improvements
In our life we have made some an
excuse for our actions. When we make an excuse it has a significant reason or
not a reason at all.
If you make an excuse, it’s human
nature, if you don't know about anything you can make an excuse for that you
don't know anything about ,but it doesn't be habitual because by the nature if
you giving an excuse for every action, then it is not good for you & not
good for your personality at all.
Believe me an excuse is not a Hideaway
from your mistakes. If you make mistakes, its ok people learn from their
mistakes. If you learn from your mistakes and go forward that's a very good
chance that you will grow and find a success in the end. But if you started to
give an excuse for every action then you don't know but you are telling lie to
yourself. Because telling a lie to yourself it's not easy job.
It will take a habit and people
will not take you seriously. Surely you will find this kind of persons in your
life, at job everywhere, when you find he or she an excused type of
personality. This persons giving an excuse for every actions, if you ask them
about the task completion, they will tell you a nice story about it and justify
there are delayed action and delayed results.
It's ok, if people don't know
anything about your task, a new assignment, a new start up, because they are
persons, a human beings not a Google, they don't have every knowledge of every
task. But preparing for your task and preparing for your everyday jobs ,it's
good to be updated.

I want to give example of my
favourite entrepreneur Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs never made an excuse and he didn't
appreciate his team giving an excuse they have learn from the mistakes and keep
improving themselves and today we know apple has risen from the Ashes.
Giving an excuse it's no big deal
but play smartly.
For example: Mr X has just joined
an angry chocolate Corporation. He has just passed two weeks in the job. And
his boss Mr y has asked him to submit search report for company's operating
Mr X has no idea how to do that
because nobody tells him and nobody guide him to submit search report for
company's operating system.
Now Mr X hi so serious situation
why, when he don't know how to perform a task and shortly nobody guides him, how
to do the task, he just a newbie on the job. Let's understand their conversation.
Mr Y: Mr X I am expecting for search
report for company’s operating system and you have not submitted it yet. May I
know what the reason for the delay is?
Mr X: Mr y it's sadly to know you
that nobody from my team and my seniors has told me to follow standard
operating procedure for submitting of searching report.
That's why I haven't prepared
because I haven't idea and nobody tell me to do the same.
Mr y: Mr X this is an excuse to
hide your incompatibility; I have not expected this from you. If you don't know
how to perform a task how you will you do the job?
Mr X: Sir good question but I
think there is a serious flaw in our induction program; Nobody Else has giving
the idea how to submit search report for company’s operating system. My seniors
and managers have not told me to do that. So this is not an excuse, I am
starting the facts here. But let me assure you within a week's time I will
learn it and come back to you.
Mr y: well then I have to check
with your seniors first and later on I will check with our training program. OK
then you can start learning from here and we'll see after week.
in above conversation you can see
Mr X had played nicely and saved himself.
But not all peoples are very
lucky. Even you had a similar incident in your career at any moment when you
have to give an excuse to move out from the trouble. You had been successfully
rolled out from the trouble and you learn that there is no scope for giving
another excuse so what did you do? You just simply take the measurement of not
repeating the excuse in the future, this is the called an improvement.
An improvement makes your
thinking better and better every day. Without improvements you haven't come
this far in your life it is a matter of bob and when you get hello score on
your report card or you are the underperformer in your organisation and you
have decided to move up & got what you have deserved.
An excuse doesn’t make a way for an
improvement but, your way of thinking and your willingness not to repeat an excuse
makes the improvement for you and your personality.
Successful people don’t give an
excuse because they have four main reasons to do that.
· Successful people priorities their goals.
Every successful people in the
world have one and only one thing in common. They have prioritised their goal.
From the day when they have started to something meaningful with the life they
keep pushing them to the limit where others can't even imagine thinking about
that. They have a habit of continuously follow up with them self and they are
commuting with their inner self to committing what they have planned.
· They are not afraid of failure.
Another most common thing in
successful people is that they are not afraid of failures. Because they have kept
inventing themselves from one try to another. Thomas Alva Edison the inventor
of the light bulb. He has tried many different ways to make a light bulb.
Supposedly if he had afraid of failures then we couldn't imagine a world
without light bulb.
· They have a vision of their own.
Successful people around the world have a
vision of their own they don't follow others vision and they don't follow
others idea, they are focusing on knowledge and hard facts rather than just a
imaginary fairy tales. What if Galileo Galilei had followed others
vision.. Surely he has he had a vision of his own otherwise we couldn't find a
great inventor like him. Successful people's visions are not short sighted.
They are not expecting a success overnight. They have willing to give sweat and
blood to fulfill their vision.
· They don't follow the rules
It's shocking but in their realities;
they are not follow the rules every time. Cause in their view rules is the
barriers in the progress. They fights to make their vision into reality, they
often find rules are barriers for the progress. Otherwise if every human being
on the planet who started to following the rules, then human race will be
stopped and they feel like machines. All successful people have another way of seeing
things which are normal person cannot see. A decade ago who has think that a
computer can be functioning at your fingertips which is now called as a “smartphone”.
They are thinking rationally
because if they have followed the rules, they shouldn't be able to get a new
invention. They break the barriers.
A constant giving an excuse makes
very little less room for an improvement.
Without an improvement human
beings cannot be evolved. Improvement is necessary at every point in our life.
So before giving any an excuse
please think for yourself and then act.
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