Tuesday, June 12, 2018

At work first respect yourself and then others

At workplace you may feel a little detach from the environment or maybe feeling little more neglected and insulted in the line of work.

An office culture brings you lots and lots of surprise everyday.

An office is nowadays look like a corporate jungle where predators are in search of prey every time.

Making fun of colleagues managers even the mailman cannot be spared.

And intense meeting could be a very dangerous to your self esteem when your failures, mistakes are put on a large scale under the microscopic observation.

Making a fun of colleague, workmate or some other person is natural or taken lightly in our culture.

simple task can be very painful with the remark of the Boss or colleagues who's pure intention is to hurt you in anyway.

Many professionals are afraid of the seniors and their colleagues where fear is absolute nothing to do with their skills and talents. Many professionals are too much afraid when there boss call them in office. Boss’s call or an email is very much important to them just like their life depends upon it. This person's are living in constant state of fear which leads to be very unbalance unhealthy and unnatural way of life. Your life must be happy not to be constantly pressurize buy unnecessary point of orders.

It's called fear of failure you are surrounding with negative comments and constantly neglection leads to very frustrated state of mind. where people feeling very unsatisfied with the job. It's not the others are more powerful than you but it's your own justice to yourself which you can not bring at the time. In very simple way you should take a stand and say very confidently enough is enough. Your rival, your competitive,your boss or your mischievous colleague, all are humans they have the same flesh and blood as you have, they don't possess any super powers.

Being treated like a dirt it's not a good feeling to live with.

Don't be no caring guy who just pretend or behave like I just want to come here to do my job and go around with end of the day  it's not the right thing it's called running away don't do that ever. Otherwise your upcoming days will be worse than your today.

The corporate Predators are search of prey every time. The kind of feed on the fear of others it doesn't really matter that you should afraid of them instead if you find yourself and keep an eye around you. This people mostly the insecure one & just want to constantly push others so they can be stays in a circle. This all can be stopped at the very moment when you decided to put Mercy on yourself. 

It's all starts with a little virtue called courage. Stop disbelieving in yourself it's time to ring a bell,say no to and unhealthy comments or jokes that sometimes you are the center of jokes,It's time to be open up and stand for yourself only you can be Savior of yourself. It's a true have a mercy on yourself. You are a different person. Your life is does not contains with 9 a.m.to 5 p.m. your job is important it certainly pays the bill but you are also important to yourself. Its sound to be selfish but think about it,  don't be too naive to dominate yourself by others who don't deserve your company or your guidance or  the ultimate Corporation. You working in the environment cause you love your job or some other reason.

It's all starts with you first respect yourself and then think about others. 

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