In the today's world of capitalism, the common people or a professional, average person they all are depending on the job to survive and to take care of themselves and their family.
In the world of capitalism every person has been chained with his or her job.
you won't find a good person at your workplace, if you find a good person at workplace that's very lucky of you I can say, but fairy tales don't exist in the reality, nowadays a corporate houses are filled with the bloodthirsty managers and evil colleagues, you can name the worst but they are really exist.

Being in a job it is not an easy thing to average person who just want to do the job and go back home. But if you pass a day without fear or without humiliation or without being stressed it's not possible now days, now persons are become much more focused and expectations from higher managements are become much more demanding, a job requires of multiple skills and multitasking abilities, it's not that the you can do your job but you have to do other job and you have to learn others job to facilitate the requirement of the task, for clients demand, interchangeability of the work is now a days are common, if you are not coming on the job today, your colleagues will take care of your work similar if your colleague is absent you will take care of his job, it's a give or take, this shows that nowadays people are not key prospect to the job, what important thing is nowadays a task requirement, or a deadline becomes much more visible.
Today's job are much more stressed and demanding compared to a decade ago scenario, now you can work from home also, you can work from anywhere, if you are not on the job, you can still take care of your task, the much more flexibility provides, it's a good thing, peoples are become much more efficient and utilization of the resources are increased, and sometime they don't care about the company's resources they can work from their own resources.
but the much more flexibility of doing job also brings a much more stress,much more competition and much much more pain. imagine you are working of five days or 6 days of week in the office late night or working at some other place on the site or someplace else you are actually doing your job, and you are thinking on a weekend this Sunday or Saturday you must be free you have some plan you are going some places you meeting some persons all you have planned this a week in advance.
All you have planned for the weekend and your dreams shattered when your manager tells that you have to work on weekends to facilitate the Client or do some extra work that someone is not taking care of the assignments instead of him or her you have to be a flag bearer of the hard working Association.
Now imagine you are being victim of someone else's crime, you have come on the job regular on time, you are keeping your assignments clear on daily basis, and no pending task for weekends, you are enjoying Friday last moment, and then you have to drag yourself on the weekends to do the job of someone else.
Nowadays people are become much smarter in the corporate, they find the person who seems more like a scapegoat, this person a dedicated person who barely say no to anything or any task given to him, this evil people are extraordinary smart, they always find this kind of persons to do their dirty works. All this kind of persons are experts in Apple polishing, they do the job, they don't have to do, they do their bosses unconventional job, which is not related to the job profile or something else you can say but this is the reality. They always find the best excuses for not completing the task in the time. They possess a very much good convincing abilities, they are a good storyteller, they are telling their bosses so much lies that was convinced them that he or she actually in trouble so his job or her job must be assigned to someone else who is taking care of assignments on the time. now the boss is trying to return the favor to storyteller that his work can be done by someone else.
So, the boss find someone else to assign task by Quoting ‘’this is very urgent we need to complete this task by the weekends you must do it.’’ most of the time we are the victims of this kind of shocking this incidents, This is always happened to almost all of us, we the oppressed people, always find a way to do someone else dirty jobs, you cannot say no, so this kind of people are always makes you a scapegoat.
So you have been in this situation before, you have a journey not a first time as a request, second time you have considered that's it must be your model duty to help someone, third time you are pissed, you cannot say no because you have done this for two times, and if you say no then the request turns out in order, that you have to follow, 4th time you will be bragging yourself in this willingly or unwillingly.
You don't know you are being the victim of someone else crime, knowingly or unknowingly because we are going to the path for the self victimization of ourselves.
So what to do, you have to be very patient and observant about the whole process.
if your boss tells you that you have to do a job on the weekend. then you have to be a patient for a minute and then ask a simple question.
- I have done my work for the weekdays and nothing is pending from my end so, please tell me who is responsible for delaying the task which is entitled to him or her. This assignment it doesn't belong to me, I have a plan for my weekends I prepared it well in advance, so I am not available for this weekend,. End of story don't tell anything about your plans, if you don't have one.
- Ask your superior if you are getting paid for the weekend's contribution. Simply they definitely say no because they know this is not a right emergency work that actually need your consultation. You are not doing the charity if you doing someone else job then ask to be rewarded or reimbursement of your services on weekends.
- This is my favorite. Ask the person who is responsible for the delaying task and tell him to take care of his work by himself only he will not be contributed any help by yourself. Tell him to ask directly if is in trouble, he will be shocked that you are asking him directly about the delay because your boss is also know that you are not an easy target.
Sometimes you have to say no because you don't know when a straight up approach is required. Many time I have observed a simple no will end all the story.
Similarly in the job many times you have been assigned to the additional duties of additional task.
This additional task or additional duties are much more starts with the request. additional task, additional duties always comes in a manner of request because they know you are already being exhausted by your own work and there is no room for another duties but they still manage to buy the cheapest way by all overloading the existing person. Many time it is happens when the bosses, the managers are at pretty much good at convincing that it is a need of the company, or it is the need of the department that you should pay small attention to the small details of this whole project but it is not a small, it's always start with small request but when the time fly, you will be realize, how Mammoth of the big task is this,
So what to do.
Be patience and analyse the facts.
- First of all made a list of a task you are doing, make a presentation that you are doing actually work might needs extra attention but you are doing by yourself to save the cost of extra hands.
- have a brief discussion with your superior that and make them aware that you are already exhausted and you are giving the best of your caliber. Even if the they insist to go with additional duties ask them to reorganize the current assignment of yours. Sure that will pinch your superior to think something else
- Ask about the length of the project, the time, the cost of the project these are the technical details you should ask before you made any commitment. when you are asking the facts and figures people always think that you are not a dumb one but you are smart one you are asking the details you will probably know what is going on.. For example. I have been assigned with a small project saying that is a small project you should not be bothered it must take only half an hour if your time on the day you should continue with your current job and you should you take this project. I have ask my superiors that who is handling the project right now and tell them to give me a proper handover with the all work in progress and pending activities and all the details which is required with to handle a project. shortly they shocked and tell me that you should not ask so many details and that is none of your concern. by asking them the full details they are Furious that a person who is super junior to them asking the full details. But I strongly ask them full details and later I came to know that the project was handled by someone else and failed miserably so they want someone else to just to make a scapegoat and wash off of their hands.
So next time before accepting new assignment do some research & ask some basic questions.
Today's corporate house and offices are much more like college campus. peoples are gossiping passionately,about each other's life, like salary each others working details, styles their daily life, so much but the passion doesn't come out when doing the actual job. Gossiping is the most worst problem of the corporate. People in the corporate are openly made gossiping about everyone in the floor and sometimes they made a step further and makes fun of colleague who have nothing to do with this kind of gossiping.
believe me in today's corporate world people made the camps and they literally scrutinize others life and made fun of others working style and how they look, how they behave, how they eat.
Make a fun out of each other on a sometime, it's a good thing you should be a sport but someone makes a fun out of you and every day that you should we consider that there should not be happened again and again.
if somebody labels you that you are not unCooperative, stupid, bastard, that you should fight back. if somebody max a fun out of you at every day then, you should resist and tell them that if you made fun out of me again that you will made a fun out of them and it will be very painful.
Sometimes you to hit back with the same way that you are getting hit. In corporate people often insulted in disguise of a joke.
Tit for tat is the best strategy to deal with insulting in the name of joke.
Closing Note: Respect yourself first & then others.